Saturday, November 27, 2010

Random Word / Image Association

An idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word to provoke a reaction from the brain.

When to use it?
Use it to stimulate open and divergent thinking and seek creative new ideas.
Use it to re-ignite creative thinking when you are running out of ideas.
Use it to get people out of a rut when their thinking is still rather conventional.

How to use it?
1. Find a random word
Find a random word that will be used as a stimulus for new ideas. You can do this in a number of ways, including:
- Look around you. What can you see? Can you see any words? What about things? What else is happening?
- Open a book at a random page. Run your finger around the page and stop at a random point. Look for a suitable word near your finger.
- Ask the people you are with to give you a random word.
- Select a word from a prepared list of evocative words (fire, child, brick, sausage, etc.)

Good random words are (a) evocative and (b) nothing to do with the problem being considered. Ambiguity also helps. Nouns are usually best, but verbs and adjectives can also be used effectively.

2. Find associations
Think about other things about which the word reminds you. Follow associations to see where they go. Think openly: associations can be vague and tenuous (this is creativity, not an exam!).
When working with a group of people, you can write these down on a flipchart as people call them out. It can be useful (but not necessary) to leave a space after each associate for use in stage 3.

3. Use the associations to create new ideas
Now create new ideas by linking any of the associations with your problem. Again, the linkage can be as vague as you like: what you want is ideas!
Write the ideas either next to their associations from step 2 or on a separate page.
If other people give ideas that trigger further ideas from you, then you can go off down that route to see where it goes.
As a variant, you can do stages 2 and 3 together, finding an association and an immediate idea from this.

Example :
How to make a person to stop smoking in 6 months time?
Random word : Traffic Light

What will you think of when you saw a traffic light?

- Colour
- Price
- Thin
- Awareness

Association :
Colour : We can use colors to indicate dangers. The red colour indicate most danger follow by yellow colour and green colour.While the smokers see the colours he/she will think about the dangers he/she will face and slowly stop smoking.

Price : We can increase the price of amercement not the cigarette price so when they smoke in the non smoking area they will get the high price amerce.

Thin : Make the cigarette's material become thin so the smoker will become weariness to smoke.

Awareness : Create an awareness image on the cigarette skin and show that smoking will not make people become slim and yet it will make our lungs to become dark and also ugly.

Conclusion : So, people won't buy it if the colour of the cigarette's smoke is in colour and they won't be taking risk to do that.

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